Anita Helm

No Lament

“Just a Tang of Happiness for My Friend -William Dallas Helm

 (Otherwise known as Rev, Bill, and Helm)

Today, August 2, 2023 marks the second anniversary of William’s transition to heaven to be with Jesus.

I know some people who are grieving would feel sadness on the day of the departure of their loved one, but I don’t.  Maybe under different circumstances I would be like them but for today I didn't put a lot of pressure on myself to feel sadness or lamenting emotions that aren't there.

Ironically, I saw a Facebook post of a 3-year-old teaching that William had done, and I thought of him and smiled.  I smiled because I know he’s having a grand time in heaven.

I saw that memory post and thought about posting but then I went downstairs saying to myself I have no lament.  I don’t use the word lament so for that word to creep into my brain was odd.  I know what it means but it’s just not my jargon.  I know a lot more words that I don’t use, but this one followed me into the kitchen, and I started writing in my head.  For you laymen that don’t write or create, the inspiration comes at the oddest moments and times, and you go with it.

So this is the inspiration for this quick message and blog “No Lament.”

I have no lament about what's going on with how I feel.  I’m at peace and that’s the truth.  My peace may change but this is how I feel.  I'm happy for Rev.  I smile when I think of my brother and how absolutely happy, he is.  I often hear people say of the dead, they’re looking down and celebrating this with us or my guardian angel is doing this or that.  I don’t believe like that.  GOD’s Word doesn’t show an example of peeks and dead loved ones galivanting on earth in police patrols.  Those are B movies and fantasies we write and say to help others grieve and be comforted.

As much as I would like to believe that Rev is peeking down or watching milestones, I don’t comfort myself now with those type of thoughts.  No shade or criticism if that’s where you are in your grief journey (do you sis, do you bro). 

My friend, Rev spent close to 25 years teaching me about the Word of GOD and the hope and faith in Jesus Christ.  Some listening or reading my words won’t get the depth of Rev’s preparation for me and our kids.  He gave many of us, not just me -he gave all of us the knowledge of the real JESUS.  That knowledge of Christ serves us very well today. 

There is no marriage in heaven, so when I get there, I’ll thank Jesus and be glad to see my friend and brother again.  I’m not going to belabor what I’ve said about my best friend. 

He would want me to be joyful in this life and stay in the will of GOD doing what is right.  To the best of my heart, I strive to be in joy and loving GOD and accepting His forgiveness for my misses. 

For those sad about this day, I just remind you that Rev is not in pain, he is not trapped in a body that wasn't allowing him freedom, he is not being chauffeured from doctor to blood test, he has heavenly food and is most of all in the Presence of GOD ALMIGHTY.

I’ll try not to be jealous or envious of him.  I also won’t be in a hurry on my time here in this realm.  I’ll just smile and let you know that he always said to me, “I’m always 10 steps ahead.”  He was right – he’s 10 steps ahead and in a great place. I’ll get to see him again.  Just you wait…my steps are catching up!  We all miss and love you Rev.

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