Prayer for Your Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday
Anita HelmDear Father,
As Your Beloved Son Jesus sits there at Your right hand please hear this prayer in His Name and because of the blood He shed for me and those I pray for.
Kind and merciful LORD we need you in the most intimate way that only through Your Comforting Spirit can provide. You have all Love, all Power, all Knowledge, all Wisdom, all Joy, all Mercy, all Peace--LORD I would have to type all day and night to tell YOU about the ALL and ALL of the I AM THAT I AM- - GOD OF THE UNIVERSE --GOD OF ALL CREATIONS.
I petition this moment for YOUR JOY AND PEACE for those who read this and those who pass by this message.
Satan, the father of lies is pouring out his lies to the young and old and they are listening. They are dying, they are killing themselves, they are doing things to themselves that bring such harm.
Kind and Merciful Father please speak healing to the broken hearted, to the lost, to the damaged, to the fragile, to the pleading hearts that want to be loved.
I ask this right now in the Name of Your Only Son. Please allow your host of angels to be dispatched to protect lives. Please allow the Holy Spirit of GOD to embrace those who feel lost, alone, overwhelmed and forgotten. Please Gracious ONE bring them to the bossom of the Comforter for HIS Spirit to speak peace, hope and love into their hearts. LORD only YOU can permanently mend the unseen broken fragments of these hearts around the nations. the globe around our neighborhoods.
I ask that You orchestrate the openess to hear the Word of GOD and that the right messenger for Your Son's Truth of His Holy Scriptures find their way at the exact moment, with the exact message of the good news, with the exact arms of love and the WORD from Christ's heart of LOVE- His full compassion.
Father we need YOU. Father we need Jesus Christ. Father we need Your Holy Spirit.
Father, Dear Son of the Most High GOD and Holy Spirit we NEED YOU.
Thank you for hearing my prayer in the Matchless Name of Christ Jesus the Messiah!!
May 4, 2022